For 2 solid months, you’ve done your part to stay home & stay safe.
And now, you’re ready for a little bit of “normal” again!
We can’t go to the gym or our favorite restaurants just yet, but you CAN give yourself the one gift you REALLY want… a sparking clean, fresh-smelling home!
What Part of “Normal” Do You Miss Most?
We’re going out on a limb and guessing that cleaning your own home has not been your favorite part of quarantine!
Many clients have texted or called to tell us things like:
“I miss coming home to a spotless apartment.”
“I miss those awesome essential oils you use.”
“I miss touching my countertops & feeling how clean they are.”
“I miss the little chocolates on the pillows you leave.”
Our “New” Normal
We’re pleased to service clients we haven’t been able to reach over the last few months as metro New York starts to re-open.
We’ve also stepped up our game when it comes to safety processes & cleaning services.
Our team is taking every precaution to make sure nothing is brought into your home & that when we’re done, you’re home will be cleaner than ever before.
If you haven’t had a Zen Home Power Cleaning since this all started, it’s time!
Your mood will thank you.
Your nose will thank you.
Your heart will thank you.