The old motto “Good help is hard to find” is well-known and often rings true in the field of home cleaning. This especially is true if a home cleaning service is using antiquated methods that let some things fall through the proverbial cracks. However, sometimes one finds it difficult to choose another cleaner due to loyalty to a long-term relationship, adhering to a given budget, and the perceived difficulty of finding a better replacement. Here are few insights on each challenge.
Honesty Is Always Best
If your cleaning service is not fulfilling your needs, you may be hurting them in several ways by allowing them to continue to do a bad job. First, they may not fully understand how to clean according to your standards (or to industry standards). By allowing them to continue, you give them a false sense that they are succeeding. Secondly, it is most likely that you are not going to recommend their service to others. In the cleaning business, one of the most trusted avenues of growing one’s business is by word of mouth and reputation. If someone asks you about your home cleaner, you’ll probably give a half-hearted approval instead of a full endorsement.
Budget and Replacements
If you haven’t shopped the market in home cleaning, you’ll never know what your budget for cleaning is worth. This is especially true if you had the same home cleaner for years. A lot has changed in the cleaning industry. Many services are ecologically sensitive (or green) and use approved cleaning standards that consider human and animal health. Whereas some cleaners may have cleaning restrictions (“I don’t’ do windows”) others virtually have none. When you conduct a search for a replacement cleaner, keep your eyes open to what you can receive for your budget. It just may be more than what you originally expected!